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  articles > articles > oOze

  31337 niGGuZ
by Heretic

as appeared in oOze issue #1

I'm pretty much sick of the whole eliteness thing going on in the scene. I've seen, received and given the usual flames on local bbs's about who's elite and who's lame and why they're elite/lame. Hell, we had a fat ol' time reading, writing and receiving them! :) But basically what sh*ts me the most is the attitude to lit in the Oz scene and the scene in general. That and the embrace of all things yankee.

First the yankee thing. OKies, I'm not perfect, I use some Americanisms. "biznatch" for example. So what, I like it! :) Just like I wish there was an Australian version of "diss", because I've never found a word to adequately replace it. Basically, I'll copy something I think is worthy of emulation (sh*t, that sounds like my seniors' oath from my old school... yeeughrrr) or if I just *like* it but not for the sake of doing what the yanks are doing. [ No offence to Americans, it's not your fault that Australia wants to be your 51st - 52nd?? don't know, sorry - state. ]

But basically these two things (lit and Americanisation) are linked in a disgusting way. The ultimate evil has a name; and that name be "gangsta rap".

My reaction to a lot of packs boasting "lit" is something like "what in f*ck's name is this??" because after spending the time to dl an art pak with the promise of some lit, it turns out that the whole lit thing is like 3 pieces of gangsta rap - usually done by some ansi guy who should stick to what he's good at. Now that's rap with a capital "c".

Now for f*ck's sake, what is this meant to be? I am of the opinion that gangsta rap is not in the slightest bit applicable to the title "lit", with good reason. No actually, I'll say it the way I usually scream it at my monitor:


And I don't care in the slightest if it *technically* is a sonnet, if its subject matter involves "shootin nigguz with muh nine" or "muh homiez". It's still gangsta rap. To add insult to injury, I even found paks from AUSTRALIAN groups performing this sacrilege. To hell with it, I'll name some groups/mags (Oz and other) I've seen so far doing it:

DiE - even if your lit coordinator was American (what does this say about Australia, people?).

PARANOiA - even if the other articles were cool! :)

JYHAD - You blew your mission statement of "we're the 'leetest" the moment you put that gangsta (c)rap in. Even if it technically was a sonnet.

There's others, but I don't remember their names. I almost invariably delete them as soon as I see the gangsta rap, anyway. Basically what I'm saying is that people out there are trying to pass off as "lit" something that most definitely is NOT.

Also, I want to make the point that lit IS part of the scene. I don't care if you think it's not, because it damn well is. There are lot of people out there who think that just because I don't produce a picture or program etc that they can sit and stare at, that I'm not producing anything of any worth.

Well, if you can't understand what I've written then you must be either lacking in vision or you're not trying hard enough. All I can say to people with no vision is I pity you. I really do feel genuinely sorry for you. At the same time though I get really sh*tted when illiterate fools dump on lit or try to pay out on me for writing it. I don't know why they think they've got the right or evidence to say that what they are doing is elite and what I'm doing is lame. There is nothing to say that the ability to produce a picture is better than the ability to produce lit. Writing lit is not an "easy" thing to do, it is not a "cop out" art, and the misconception that anyone can produce a great work is probably one of the biggest causes of the "lit is lame" attitude. This idea is also bullsh*t. Would you ever say that anyone at all can produce a great ansi? Of course not!

If someone is the best writer around, then they are as elite as the best ansi artist or musician; because they are the best in their field. And no, your field - whatever it is - is not harder to master than lit. If anything, lit may be the hardest of all to master. Also, Americans do not rule the world (sorry to break that to you, Mr. President) or get everything right. They are not necessarily the coolest, no more than we are. We have to remember that. We can make up our own ideas, do our own thing. By blindly following the Americans we become a pseudo-yank satellite, and because we don't do anything new we slow down the entire creative process. Besides that we look quite ridiculous.

Think about it, biznatch!


Don't know if greets are allowed... here's some quick ones anyway :) -mW- [thanks for your support! :)], sq][, jud, trace, EtC, creize SMASH!, Revolt, REALiTY [lit], all Australian groups anyone I know but didn't greet [this was quick]

(Editor's note: ..and oOze does NOT support any form of gangsta's rap whatsoever..take it somewhere else..)

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