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  articles > articles > oOze

  List of Evil Things
by Heretic

as appeared in oOze issue #2

This was inspired by the thread:
Subject: Re: What is evil?
Newsgroups: alt.gothic

anyways, I got to thinking...

heretic's list of evil things

that's kind of ironic when you think about it, isn't it? :)

Pretention, elitism, snobbery, bigotry, intolerance, blind-lemming conformity, violence and Hammond organ hold music. Wherever they may lurk. That's the truisms out of the way... :)

McDonalds - Ever squeezed one of those fries and watched the oil come out? Yeeeughgrgrgghrgrh. The apple pies are made of choko and the shakes and sundaes are 80% fat (If you don't believe me about that, go to McDonalds and say you need to see a list of ingredients because you're diabetic, they have to give you the list - see for yourself!). Plus they don't clean out the sundae machine well enough. Then they tell you that their burger meals are a balanced and healthy!?!

Public transport - Evil, evil!! Especially in Queensland where students don't get any concession on buses... That's right, we northerners pay FULL FARE to ride with howling children (why oh why did they route a bus to UQ past a primary school as well??). If I ever murder someone it'll probably be a screaming kid on a train. It's 50 minutes from Brisbane to Ipswich... and I once got stuck in a carriage with a kid who mimmicked "Doors closing, please stand clear!" and did crosswords at the top of his voice the *whole* *way*. Ever wondered if small children bounce? I certainly have.

Telstra - Profiteering phone company that made 1.2 BILLION (nearly four times as much as Coles Myer) net profit last year and has the hide to raise their charges, when the service could be dirt cheap if they wanted it to be. They always claim this is to improve their service, but what can you say when you're using pulse dialling, only get a dial tone about 75% of the time and can't get an itemised bill to find out if your extremely suspect but HUGE phone bill is actually justified? Remember of course that this is all for something that is a SERVICE... To cap that off, they blow their trumpet about how wonderful they are sponsoring the Olympic team; how *nice* of them. They should be sponsoring HALF THE DAMN COUNTRY with the amount of money they rip us off for.

Microsoft - "Upgraded" their operating system so they can sell every util, program and patch ALL OVER AGAIN by force; there is no option to stick with what you have and know that WORKS, no more versions of windows for workgroups OR dos. Bill Gates is a genius all right, he knows how to make MONEY. Except of course for his wrong call about internet, MS must have lost a shitload when they didn't get their usual monopoly. Imagine for a moment if Netscape had that little MS logo on it...

Censorshit - Governments deciding that they know what we want to see, hear and buy. It's not like we should have any input on that or anything [That's right, we may be Australian but American laws will effect the way things like internet are treated over here. Basically, Senator Exon can kiss my obscene, lewd and indecent ARSE!]. Governments really do fear internet, because they can't as yet control it. Does information want to be free? More to the point do politicians have any right to make that decision? Internet will be regulated somehow, sometime. They regulated radio when it got too popular, they regulate TV they regulate print and movies. They're desperately looking for some way to control internet, control the information and most of all - make more money out of it.

Political Correctness - Rapidly becoming the modern NewSpeak. (Read George Orwell's "1984", you at the back). The point has been made and now we should back off it. I mean, so what if I - while writing some crappy assignment at midnight - forget to say "them" and say "he". It's not going to change the way I treat women, it's not me trying to enforce a patriarchy, it's not me trying to lower wages for women doing equal work. Oh well, I'll just listen to my walkperson and try not to offend anyone.

Legal extorsion - Banks that make billions of dollars each year but won't lower their rates even though they could. No bank wants to help you, don't EVER believe that. No bank will EVER do something it won't profit by. Sure, you can get charge-free accounts while you're a student but that's only an attempt to make you stay with that particular bank the rest of your life.

The shiny-happy world LIE - One of the greatest evils of all, common to tv advertising and those motivational videos they show you in high school, where everyone is happy and only has real friends that care no matter what, where everyone has an SO - or for variation is about to *get* a gorgeous SO. The lie that if you're not perfectly happy, physically and mentally perfect then you're a freak who doesn't fit into society. The lie that advertising is depicting real life (where the hell do those people live?). Personal Development Officers love this one.

UGLY people - I don't mean physically (though they usually are) but people who are just ugly in every sense of the word. The people who beg for a dollar and then try to pick a fight if you don't give them money, the people who get in your face with "What're you lookin' at?!" if you so much as glance in their direction (you have to look *somewhere* when you walk for goodness sake!), people who have 15 kids they can't afford so they scream at them using "fuck" for every second word and belt them constantly. Also known as SPOSs... Sub-Human Pieces of Stuff. I get very intolerant of these people, but frankly they rarely disprove the idea that they are a waste of space.

Stupidity - Usually seen in ugly people, this category is the standard behavioural pattern of fuckwits. This is what drives morons who live in Australia to wear Chicago Bulls caps and Orlando Magic shirts. Move to America, dickheads. These are the people who watch Baywatch, Central Park West and Hangin' With Mr Cooper because they think it's high quality viewing. These are the people who think that if you're different to them you're a "faggot" and should be bashed (or yelled at as they drive past in their light-blue Commodore). These are the people who make McDonalds millions every day and believe everything they see on TV - the only thing they watch (except for channel 2).

THIS is modern evil. Maybe demons are real, maybe they're not, maybe they never were and are creations of human fear... Right and wrong... who can judge... what is right in one place may be wrong in another situation... there's a lot to be thought about in Situation Ethics.

Recognise the evil of the modern day, and don't eat McDonalds!! :)

heretic [rvl.CiA.oOze]

"Falling in love is easy, it's the crawling out that's a bitch."

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