Article after article has been written about the lameness of #ansi,
the ridiculous number of ops there, and the personal conflicts that
have replaced any sign of intelligent conversation. Now that people
are starting to wake up to the fact that an alternate channel (#ans)
exists, the problems are spreading. It was only a matter of time,
True, #ans seems to attract real, live artists. True, there is
actual art-related discussion. But now the wonderful world of "Ops
`R' Us" has moved to the channel. I understand the need for ops,
at least when it's used responsibly. Just yesterday, someone was
in #ans, displaying his ability to "draw" male genitalia in ascii...and
he eventually got banned. Obviously an #ansi reject who was trying
to be ever so entertaining with his "art". In that case, someone
(with ops) had the sense to rid the channel of an idiot. But a couple
hours late, people were getting kicked/banned for disagreeing with
an #ans op. People, if you have a grudge with someone, take it to
a private channel or e-mail.
When I go into #ans, I see artists, not beggars and wannabees.
But now that there is a channel for artists, keep it the way you've
always wanted it. It'd be a shame for #ans to end up like #ansi,
wouldn't it?
inazone/acheron staff writer