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by Eterna (Feb 1999)

sacrifice everything
everything and anything
you've ever needed
and never wanted
buch dich, bow down
achtung! .. und keine eier
she walked in high heels
the blur of red seeming
like streaks of blood
whizzing past your eyes
and her fishnet stockings
hit hard upon your sex tools
but most of the time
her leather trenchcoat
covered the divine
the divine flesh of the legs
her hair cascaded down her back
about the middle? yes..
yes, i'd have to say the middle
with a silky sheen to it
that the conditioner bred in
but anyways, yes, it cascaded
like a waterfall
her face.. so magnificent
these hollow words cannot, no..
they can't even begin
to describe the epiphany
the epiphany you received
when you gazed upon her
well, alright..
she was fair skinned, very pale
eyebrows high, cheekbones defined
and luscious red lips which spoke
volumes, they spoke volumes!
but when it rained, well
she looked like an angelic statue
basking in the moonlight
or perhaps a gargoyle? no..
damn you, defamation
so let's summarize..
if you gazed at her once in a while
whilst she was walking
down the concrete
she would seem like a lady
but if she shed off her clothes
oh my.. your eyelashes would flutter
your heart would beat like a triphammer
or maybe a jackhammer
palms get sweaty, forehead wrinkles
and eyes goggle, yes! they goggle!
what would happen
if she pulled apart her stomach?
do you know? do you really know?
so her fingernails dug into the flesh
but with ease, and not with might
like an incision, which never really closed
or was stitched properly..
what did you see inside?
why, it was never intestinal tract
nor blood of any kind
nor was it bees, or honey, nor orgasmic fluids
it was a hole, a black hole, nothing more
like a chalkboard, perhaps, yes, a chalkboard
and in graffiti style fonts, lettering, you know..
there was a singular word inscribed:

Argon   Eterna   Kurai
our silences are not the same;
mine is by choice,
yours by shame
... [more]
  inside your cube of virtual hell
solid and unpenetrable, the walls your enemies
and just as surely as the doors have betrayed you
you've become a captive..
in your 3D prison
... [more]
  we prayed that night next to
oriental, siamese statues..
whiskers set in stone. i meant to ask you
what the symbols meant
... [more]

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