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  interviews > interviews > regular interviews

  tainted x

spot talking with taintedx, founder of zenith..


you in a hurry?

not at all

just chillin to tcm ;)

ahh i see.. the crystal method

well man.. we are happy to have you here with us today

and thank you for your very valuable time

Oh Im just glad im doing something other than drawing, for once ;)

not that drawing is bad, but too many coloured blocks can damage your brain cells..

haha yes...

like... sometimes when i dream i see cool blocky chicks in lingerie ;)

whoa, that is scary =)

well first i would have to say i was shocked and kind of embarressed that acheron has not pursued a interview with you in the past.,,

Heh, Its not biggy.. im nothing special =) just a block drawer :)

there are far many artists and people in the scene that are more important than me

well, i guess thats a good approach to take.


i guess we'll start with you giving us a little run down of yourself... you age, name, hobbies, interest's

ay ay cap, well.. im 3 years old, almost 4.. (jk, 17), name would be Jeremy Roberts,.. as for my hobbies, that pretty much explains itself, i like art and music, my interests follow the same lines as well, i hope to follow a career in the future that will let me use my art skillz, and perhaps music as well.

ive been drawing for about 4 years now, which means basically nothing ;)

I could go on and explain my life story, but its of no importance ;)

ok, but you are ranked as one of the best active artists in the art scene right now. Why do you beleive that the time you have been drawing means 'nothing' as you say?

Heh. I dont know if im ranked as one of the top artists, i like to see everyone ranked equally, as long as they make an attempt to draw and stick with it, although dont get me wrong, there are artists out there with godly skills..

as for time, i dont like to judge people by their veternarity =)

just how they act and they're skill.

Ok, so you would not put yourself above someone foresay... that had very little art skill at all?

not at all, i figure we're all equal if we make an attempt at something and give it our best

everyone has a different view on things, so one artist make look like junk when the other looks like a god, to someone else, it would be vice versa

hats why i dont judge ;)

okok, you bring up something that most artists in the scene unless they are older and more mature (e.g.: catbones, creator, dangermouse, tsk) dont think about ... you said 'how they act' ... can you tell me what your feelings are on that... because as you know there are alot of god-like artists that ACT like they are god-like..

Ay, its good to know that people feel good about theirself and what they do, (self confidence), but they shouldnt have to go around making everyone know that, because then they may still feel good about themself, but others will have no respect if they're treated like a peon

compared to a god

basically, if you know your good, keep it to yourself,.. dont go around owning everyone.

you'll have more respect that way

most of the time anyhow.


true, but my experiance has shown me that most people that feel a need to make others feel like a 'peon' DONT feel good about themselves.... and people that DO feel confident with themselves will rarely ever put someone down. because they dont feel like they NEED to..

your right about that, im just pointing towards the people that DO put others down, as for those who have self confidence and respect others, props to them, and for those who feel low about themselves and others as well,.. take a chill pill and look towards the good things in life ;)

hah :)

haha, good words..

well on a personal note, that is why i find you to be a better artist then others is because you have never put anyone down..

well thanks a lot bro, makes me feel good hearing that, but i only act myself, and try to remember what its like when im being the one bullied..

soo.. tell us about you a glue... =)

glue and i?

yeah yeah..

i hate correct grammer... =)

glue is a funky group, i joined up with them because i had a lot of good freinds there from past groups, as well as i wanted to meet some new people,.. few months went by and catch22 (current leader) has problems with being online, so he asked me to takeover for a few months, thats when i got my first real feel of leadership ;)..

So, did you change anything in glue when you were appointed standing president..?

Hmm, Considering glue basically ran around catch22 back then (meaning the whole groups inspiration came from 22 and him alone), my project was to get glue to work on their own, and not depend on a group bassed around one person, i guess i succeeded in doing that for awhile at least, but then people began looking for me ;)

not only that, but in the first few weeks, since 22 wasnt around, and a lot of glue members were idle, i had to do a lot of work getting ansi for the upcomming pack, so basically the pack looked like a tnt solo pack with drs and rash guesting ;)

but it was glue all in all :)

ok, so your in glue, 22 leaves for a while and you take over... with a big mess on your hands.. so how did you finally fix it?

after a lot of talking and trying to get glue to not worry about catch22, as well as recruiting some new talent for the group.. that pretty much fixed it up, when catch22 finally did return, he set things back the old way :P

people love catch22, he's very respected ;)

Haha, and he does not like it when other groups take his members... i ran into that yesterday.. hehe

which reminds me, him and i have been through a lot together on irc, we've drawn with eacother since our very first groups.. which is probably why i chose to stick it out with him for so long

So, after he came back.. you stepped down... to let him take the thrown again.. now after you had done all this work, wasnt that a bit difficult for you?

It wasnt so much difficult, but confusing and repetative, ' whens 22 gonna be back? ' ' where the hell is 22 ', after telling them where its at enough times, they got it straight ;)

i still think catch22 has and will always be the first loved in glue, thats why me taking his spot wasnt the BEST of ideas ;)

so i had to get people to like me equally if it were to work out i guess.

Ok, that kinda reinforces my point.... you have to work very HARD to get things in line when you took over. Then Catch comes back.... its his group... so of course, he wants it back =) ... but you have done ALOT of work with it... did you get anything in return for your hard work a efforts? and you mentioned he kinda put 'everything back the way it was' therefore erasing everything you did... how did that make you feel?

catch22 is probably as far as you can get to a best freind on irc, i love him.. we've basically gotten along all throughout our scene life,.. i know catch22 had to go on leave, and when he asked me to takeover glue for awhile, i was more than happy to help him out.. i basically did what i did while he was gone so glue could work under my ways, when catch22 took back the crown and set things back the 'old' way, i didnt mind so much because i knew he would be around to fix things ;)

im just happy he gave me the chance because its helped me understand some things about leadership.

ok, soo... you currently are NOT in glue.. =) tell us was happened between the time catch came back and now..

heh, well,.. i always said i was glue4life, meaning i was to stick with glue until glue was no more, or i was no more, when i said this, i did very well mean it, no matter what im doing now or in the future, ill always help out glue on the odd occasions,.. besides that, i left glue shortly after 22's return because i felt i needed something new,.. i found egoteq sitting in #dark one day, we talked for awhile, showed eachother a few peices of art, which inspired both of us, also we talked about twilight (former group ran by deeply disturbed), we decided we'd like to get a lot of old members

drawing with us again.

which lead to the making of zenith :)

we originally had a lot of old twilight members, but we put zen on hold for awhile because we wanted to finish up some schooling based things so we could focus more on the group, while this was happening, legion was being brought up, so since a lot of our current members wanted to actively draw, they went to legion.

finally when egoteq and i were ready to get zenith active and underway, we noticed we lost a bunch of people, so i went on recruiting mission one night and recruited every one of the coolest artists that were unemployed

after i got about 10 odd artsts to draw along side of egoteq and i , we decided it was time to show the scene what we had.

at first we kept zenith silent, didnt want people to know much about it because sometimes to much hype can ruin things, seeing how someone might not like the idea of a new group and try to sabatoge it before it had a chance to live, which someone did actually try.. or there were rumors of anyhow.

finally we released our first debut, which a lot of people seemed to think was a real nice treat, leaving us inspired and ready to do it again, which brings zenith02, which was also giving us a lot of positive comments, which now brings us here.

Zenith is 100%, bringing in new talent, and ready to show the scene some coloured blocks once again ;)

and we plan to be around for quite some time :p

Ok, now as you know.. Zenith has rocketed to the top... in just 2 releases you are at the big ring battling it out.. it is now Avenge vs. Zenith vs. Legion ... whats it like knowing your group blew up so fast?

i devote my ansi career to zenith and glue, which both groups i am very loyal to, i will draw for them until death.

heh.. yeah a lot of people seem to think that avenge and legion are carrying out a battle for #1, others beleive zenith is involved too ;),, some iCE.. but all in all.. im just glad the scene is comming back to its feet.

the competition isnt at a bad high, but its all good.

Well, the point is.. every group no matter want craves to be #1 .. and ACiD and iCE are old news (sorry chris) .. zenith/avenge and legion are IT right now.

thought in my mind, zenith will always be #1, and we havent yet begun to show what we can do.

perhaps :), the summer is not yet over, nor is the underground art scene, there is a lot of time ahead of us, so i cant really say where all this is leading us..

zenith, avenge and legion are all great groups. along with others, im not putting any above or below another

im just glad we still have packs around to peek at.

Ok, now when Zenith was about to release #1, there were rumors flying that Zenith was trying to steal Avenge members, and a rumored fight between yourself and creator... now i got the pleasure of talking with creator a few weeks back and he denies that anything happened.. can you give us a little more of the facts..?

Hmm, well, i can tell you that there were two people, Tung lo and Spirit Of Rage, i guess they were considering the thought of joining avenge, but i told them about zenith in the mean time, because i didnt think they were in avenge, as well as they say they werent too..

besides, you cant STEAL artists, artists join on their own will.


and leave on their own will as well.

and no, anything conversed between creator and i is usually overcame quickly and we shake hands :)

so on what terms are you and creator now?

we're as cool as cool can be :)

we share group thoughts, as well as non-scene related.. its all good between us

I really hate having enemies, so basically i dont think they're one person on irc that i dont get along with

That brings us to my next question... you have been doing a hell of alot of joints with creator and avenge members... how is Zenith SS and members taking this?

the staff of zenith nor the members have any negative thoughts towards it :) we're here to draw, just because we might be seperated by a small title of a group name doesnt mean we cant get along with eachother or draw with eachother at that ;)

i once thought about joining avenge, and actually did for a day :)

but something pulled me back, i guess it was a good thing :)

for zenith.

and for myself, because im happy with zenith.

ok, i have some leaked info about some secret pic you and creator are working on for avenge07... you have anything you can throw our way on that?

wooo! well if its considered to be sekrit, i best not leak anything else :)

but i can say, .. TITTIES!


oh..?? who?

*cough*, i can say no more.. 'titties'


=) well ok then..

BIG :)


i think i have a feeling who it is...



you'll know when the time comes ;)

So, when is the next Zenith release gonna be out?

last day of the month, always is :)

so about 8 days or so

ok.,. well we look foreward..

woo, good stuff :) i look forward to getting it out as well ;)

Well, we really would like to thank you for taking this time to talk with us

No problem, any time :)

now i can get back to drawing.. woohoo :P *cough*

Would you like to throw out any greets before we close?

uhmm.. greetz... to who? .. everyone.. :)

damned to many cool people on irc to individually greet. :P

very good ..

thank you sir..

thankz you to bro :)

the man is.. TaintedX ... the group is Zeeenith... check it out..!

this has been a Spot interview and a acheron production..


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